Free CE courses from leaders in teen mental health

At Joon, we are driven to provide the high-quality, accessible mental health care to teens and young adults. That's why we only serve 13-24 year olds.

Great care starts with great therapists.

There are not nearly enough therapists with expertise in treating teens and young adults. Let's face it—the adolescent years present some unique developmental and social challenges. We're passionate about increasing the population of clinicians who can confidently and safely treat all the issues that today's teens are facing.

Led by Amy Mezulis, PhD

Amy is the Co-Founder and Chief Clinical Officer at Joon Care. She is an expert in adolescent mental health and her expertise includes mood and anxiety disorders, eating disorders, suicidality and self-injury, trauma, substance use, and adolescent development. Read her full bio here.

Start the learning journey today!

Regardless of where you work, our team wants to share our experience and give you the tools to best support the next generation as they navigate the challenges of adolescence and our modern world.

Learn from Joon therapists about an approach that works for teens & young adults

From ages 13-24, we face unique challenges as we rapidly grow from youth to adulthood. Our therapy is specifically designed for those challenges.

And it works. Our clients receive one-on-one therapy via an app they can use from home, making it easy to stay engaged and see progress.

Become a Joon Therapist
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Learn more about our clinical outcomes

Recovery from
Clinical Anxiety

Chart showing 77% improvement from Clinical Anxiety using Joon Care compared to 43% improvement using in-person therapy.

Recovery from
Clinical Depression

Chart showing 63% improvement from Clinical Depression using Joon Care compared to 27% improvement using other in-person therapy.